Ñuñoa, Santiago, CHILE.
Usually I will respond emails in less than an hour. If I'm out of office and without WiFi
I'll respond as soon as I get back, usually just after noon (Chilean time). You will never have to wait more than 24 hours
for an answer. If you are on the other side of the earth, please consider it might be 4 AM here, and if you wake me up with
a phone call, I might not be in my full senses.
Using my Contact Form
Currently my Contact Form is unnavailable due to unknown issues, for this reason I have created a temporary email you can use to contact me. As soon as things are back to normal this email will be closed: RperezSinClavos@gmail.comOffice Phone: +56-2-2272.85.21
Mobile: +56-9-8606 41 51
If you still can't contact me, try contacting me at:
LinkedIn Profile
Translators Cafe Profile
Angel List Profile
Or, find a snail and tie a letter to its tail.