Here you will find some samples of translations from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English
delivered to some customers.
This is the quality level you can expect from my services.
Spotlight 2
Spanish version: Target (PDF)
Spotlight 2
(Translation: NoComprendo Agency, Norway)
Social Sciences
A More Inclusive State: Regendering the Chilean Presidency under Michelle Bachelet by Gwynn Thomas
Spanish version: Target
“Un estado más incluyente: La regenerización de la Presidencia en Chile con Michelle Bachelet”, in DESIGUALDAD EN CHILE: LA CONTINUA RELEVANCIA DEL GENERO, Edited by Claudia Mora, November 2013 (Standard Subscription for USD 4.99) Spanish published version
Mechanical Engineering
Elephant Brakes
Spanish version: Target
Frenos de Disco industriales
Spanish website
English versions: Target
The following sections were translated by this translator (the rest have been translated by another translator(s)):
- "IN APPRECIATION" (bottom section of the page, should include "Translated by: Richard Perez-Mongard" below the Spanish version's author).
- "CROPS" (45 species/guidelines out of a total of 59)
- "GARDEN" ("INTRODUCTION" – "LIQUID FERTILIZERS"). Example: fertum_garden (Broken link)
- "PRODUCTS"> (Each of 4 Products)> "PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS" – "MSDS". Example: Fertum Foliar (Broken link)
Specifications Fertum Foliar
- Footer in all pages (Product Specifications of 13 foliar fertilizers) i.e.: Fertum Silicium PK
Tourism website
Spanish website version
English version: Target
English website version
In my website you can find a series of articles written in Spanish and translated to English.
Some have been written in English and have been translated into Spanish.
Others are still waiting to be translated.
Most of my personal glossaries are private because building them, localizing, researching, cleaning, organizing, is hard work and an important asset of my business. However, here are a few that I can share.
Glossary of Housing TermsThis glossary includes the names of different structures used for dwelling. Although it considers English to Chilean Spanish terms it also includes some terms used in other Spanish speaking countries.
English - Spanish glossary of translation industry termsThe translation industry uses a specific jargon that is not easily understood by customers.
This glossary should help you understand the meaning of these words and their Spanish translation.