TraductorChile -
Translation with Quality Control tools

- for efficient translation services


-AMD Turion 64x2 mobile, 2.00 Ghz Notebook, 1.87 GB RAM

-Desktop Celeron, 1.80 Ghz PC, 1GB RAM

-Canon Pixma MP-160 Printer/Scanner

-Plactronics professional headset for audio file reviewing

-Logitech WebCam for video communication


- Text Editing: OFFICE 2013 (Word, Excell, PowerPoint)

- Images and Internet: Macromedia (Dreamweaver, Flash), Photoshop, AutoCAD 2004 and Paint

- Translation software: Wordfast and OmegaT (For efficiency and to ensure terminology consistency)

- Translation aids: Babylon; Babylon Creator; PDFCreator; WordWeb; TranslateCAD; DivXLand Movie subtitler

- Others: Autodesk Express Viewer; MS Movie Maker; Xilisoft; Adobe Reader 9.0; Visual Studio; JOOMLA; MySQL; Groove Music; QuickTime; Windows Player

Pagina Web diseñada y desarrollada con Dreamweaver
Administrador y Dueño: R. Pérez-Mongard ©2007 Derechos de Autor Ley 11723, prohibida su reproducción con fines comerciales.
Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile. F: 56-9-8-6064151

Chilean Translator
Translations Spanish Translator
English-Spanish-English freelance translator with over 41 years of experience
Business and Finance; Environment; Engineering; Building.