Service: Translation. By Andy Davis, TW Languages, UK. February 27, 2012."This project has now been signed off, many thanks for your hard work".

Service: Translation. By Christian Bromander, NoComprendo Agency, NO. August 25, 2008."Good translation for the fishing industry".

Service: Translation. By Carlos Carranza, MindSnacks, USA. May 27, 2011."Ok Richard, everything looks great... Thank you for the hard work.

Service: Translation. By Casey Charlton, Glyph Language Services, USA. August 3, 2011."Great to work with. Reliable and timely".

Service: Translation. By Gabe Gils Carbó, Oregon Translation, USA. August 16, 2012."It was a pleasure working with you".

Service: Translation. By Geraldine Luckhurst, Manor Trans, UK. December 01, 2013."Precise, careful and thoughtful translator and communicator".

Service: Test Translation. By Lucien Crowder, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, USA. February 23, 2012."I think you'd do a great job when called upon, and I hope you'll be willing to sign on".
(After passing a translation test on atomic science). And I'm not a specialist in atomic science,
that is, I studied the topic well and I did adequate terminology research for the test.