TraductorChile -
Authoritative Terminology Research



The removal of culture-specific and other items that can produce cross culture problems, to produce a text as neutral as possible, contributing to its dissemination. Equivalent to globalization and contrary of localisation.
Spanish: internacionalización

Desktop publishing
It’s the creation of documents using page layout skills/software to organise images and text for digital publication and printing. A term for the formatting of a publishable translation to match the original.
Spanish: creación digital de publicaciones

It refers to different varieties of a language due to geographic or social differences and characterised by differences in vocabulary and grammar. Dialects include regional standards (i.e. of the English language: American English, Canadian English, Indian English), Jargons, slang or argots. Due to the root similarities and integration, only those dialects of hermetic groups (like criminal organisations) are not understood by other users of the same language. In translation, these differences are important when the text is targeted to a readership of a specific dialect (i.e. marketing and advertising), but when it’s targeted to a wider group the use of specific jargon should be avoided and the translator should resort to the widest guidelines for correct grammar and use. In this sense, language competence and comparative language knowledge are more valuable than competence in a dialect or what is known as “native speaker”.
Spanish: dialectos, variantes regionales de (idioma), variantes idiomáticos

Direct translation
The translation produced using the original author’s text as source.
Spanish: traducción directa

A translation that privileges the target culture.
Spanish: domesticación, aclimatación

Dominant language
When a person has two or more languages, the language that a person has used most frequently throughout his/her life. This term is also used to denote the usage of one language over others in a Multilanguage country. It also refers to the dominance of a language in certain international relations, specially in the business sector, where non-English speaking people suffer discrimination and reduced opportunities, which in some scenarios has been denoted as linguistic imperialism.
Spanish: idioma dominante, idioma principal

Translation, interpretation and recording of the soundtrack of a film in another language.
Spanish: doblaje

In translation, it refers to changes performed on a monolingual text with the intention to produce a correct, consistent, accurate, and complete work, usually for publishing. Synonym: Copy-editing, Reviewing. See Reviewing, Proofreading, Revising, Copy-editing.
Spanish: corrección de textos

The concept that translation involves the transfer of equivalent features from one language to the other. These features range from word equivalencies through, grammatical, message, and aesthetic equivalencies.
Spanish: equivalencia

Equivalent style
The style of writing has to do with the situation and purpose, formality and informality, mood, choice of words and placement of stress, metaphors and connotations.
Spanish: estilo semejante

It describes a professional (translator) with extensive experience in a discipline or specialty, in theory and practice, capable of processing and integrating comprehensive information, and regarded as an authority in such discipline.
Spanish: pericia

Case where a translation makes explicit something that is implicit in the source text. This may involve syntactic expansion (e.g. “Huesca” might become “the city of Huesca in northern Spain”), but not explanation (footnotes, translators’ prefaces, etc.).
Spanish: explicitación

Translations that go out of a language
Spanish: traducción desde el (idioma)

A translation that privileges the source culture
Spanish: extranjerización

Free translation
Type of translation where the translator delivers a style of writing that transfers ideas, not words. The contrary of literal, word-to-word translation. Some theorists consider that “free translation” is not translation; instead it really belongs to the gender of transcreation or copyright (with elements of plagiarism). Synonym: paraphrase. See: Adaptation and Transcreation.
Spanish: traducción libre

Freelance translator
Self-employed translator, who works for a variety of clients on a per-project basis. Some freelance translators also supply non-language services like DTP, transcription and others.
Spanish: traductor independiente, traductor autónomo, traductor freelance

Full match
A text segment in a TM that is an exact match (100% identical) to a segment in a source text during a TM analysis with a CAT tool.
Spanish: equivalencia completa

Fuzzy match
A text segment in a TM that is similar, but not an exact match, to a segment in a source text. When there is not an exact match, the translator must read and evaluate the whole segment (and context) to identify the differences in meaning caused by the dissimilarities.
Spanish: equivalencia incompleta

Globalisation has two meanings: 1) transferring a business from the domestic market into the global market, and 2) put the whole planet under the same economic order. In the context of translation, it refers to adapting a text so that it can be used throughout the world, in different languages and cultures.
Spanish: globalización

A glossary is a corpus of words and their definitions. Bilingual glossaries bring translations of words and/or definitions. Field specific glossaries are essential tools for translators, as they avoid the need for terminology research of uncommon terms and they help in terminology consistency, but are not substitutes for translating competence. Glossaries should be generated by specialised translators or with the assistance of specialists.
Spanish: glosario

Grammatical shift
Where grammatical categories are changed. For example, on an envelope, the French “Expéditeur:” (sender) is apparently translated by the English “From:”, thus rendering a noun with a preposition. Synonym: Transposition.
Spanish: cambios de categoría léxica

Idiomatic translation
A translation that conveys the meaning of the original, or source text, by using language forms and structures of the target language that are equivalent, in order to produce a translation that reads like an original. As with “free translation” it is considered nearer “transcreation” than translation. Synonym: Free translation.
Spanish: traducción idiomática, traducción libre

International English Language Testing System is an international standardised test of English language proficiency. The minimum requirements for university studies (UK and US) vary from 6.0 to 7.0 (B2 to C1 of the CEFRL or Cambridge’s FCE and CAE) and the maximum is 8.5 (C2 of the CEFRL or Cambridge’s CPE).

Indirect translation
The translation produced using as source a translation of the original author’s text.
Spanish: traducción indirecta

Intended reader
The end user of a text or translation. Synonym: Target reader, Target readership.
Spanish: lector objetivo

The removal of culture-specific and other items that can produce cross culture problems, to produce a text as neutral as possible, contributing to its dissemination. Equivalent to globalization and contrary of localisation.
Spanish: internacionalización

The oral translation of spoken language.
Spanish: interpretación

Inverse translation
Translation into the translator’s C languages
Spanish: traducción inversa


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Traductor Chileno
Traducciones Traductor Español
Traductor Independiente Inglés-Español-Inglés con más de 40 años de experiencia
Negocios, Finanzas; Medio Ambiente; Ingeniería; Construcción.
Desde 1972

Chilean Translator
Translations Spanish Translator
English-Spanish-English freelance translator with over 40 years of experience
Business and Finance; Environment; Engineering; Building.
Since 1972